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My project's portal shows no page counter. Why?!

I seeded my project with 44 questions, some of them with an answer. To my surprise, I can only see 30 of them at a time, but no clue is given as to the existence of the other 14 items. It should at least show a page counter with the option to jump to page 2 (like idea-Informer's own Knowledge base, which shows seven o more buttons in the bottom left corner that takes the reader to so many pages) , but it isnĀ“t there.

I then added 20 more items, just to find out if the counter would show up when get to 61 items, but nothing of the sorts happened.

How can I fix this?


Claudio Diaz

claudiodiazaviles, 25.08.2014, 02:21
Response from the site administrator
iiVoice, 27.08.2014
Fixed that.
Idea status: completed


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