11 votes Vote

Remove the SEARCH button

the button is quite misleading, because initially there's an ADD button next to it, so I've pushed it subconciously a couple of times. Besides, the search works without pushing the button, so I don't see any sense in it.

master, 24.08.2009, 09:57
Response from the site administrator
useridea, 24.08.2009
Sometimes the search doesn't work if the text is pasted from the clipboard, so it's impossible to do without the "search button".
Idea status: rejected


Alex, 10.08.2010, 10:05
Does it work now?
useridea, 10.08.2010, 10:07
Vynce, 23.02.2019, 17:11
When i search and type "enter" to execute the search, it clears the field and does not explain that it is no longer searching for what i was trying to find. Incredibly frustrating and opaque UX.

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