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Can I edit the Interface

I want to use my own branding instead of Idea.informer.com.Do you offer any whitelabelling feature or promotional link feature?

asshu, 25.05.2010, 13:42
Response from the site administrator
useridea, 25.05.2010
No, we don't have it.
Idea status: rejected


vkasshu, 28.05.2010, 05:14
Is there any to remove promotional links and idea.informer's links from my feedback site?
How about full customization?
useridea, 28.05.2010, 09:26
We suggest to use the service as it is. If you have any suggestions about functionality or design improvements - we will discuss it.

But if you decide to use it - please use it as it is, don't remove our links, we need them for service advertisement.
vkasshu, 28.05.2010, 20:12
Thank you ! i don't remove by myself.I asked you if there is possibility. As you said no,I will stop thinking about this.
useridea, 01.06.2010, 13:05
I am sorry but we are not interested in removal of our promotional links :-).
asshu, 01.06.2010, 15:03
Not a problem .
vkasshu, 28.05.2010, 20:11
You also implied - "If you have any suggestions about functionality or design improvements - we will discuss it."
I am not sure If I follow this.You mean to say indirectly that you are not ready to listen my feed back about white labeling at all?
useridea, 01.06.2010, 13:06
Exactly. But we are ready to listen your ideas regarding functionality improvements.
asshu, 23.11.2010, 17:15
How about now?
asshu, 01.06.2010, 15:03
Definitely .I have some feed back about the Interface and some features .

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